Beyond Addiction at Sun Door Yoga on Hornby Island

I felt inspired to host a Beyond Addiction Program at Sun Door Yoga following my participation in the Vancouver 2014 program with Sat Dharam Kaur. I knew then that the most important personal work we can do is to uncover our trauma and negative thought patterns. Left unhealed, this trauma manipulates and habituates us to act and behave from a place of great pain, which leaves us far from standing in and acting from our authenticity. I have intimately known substance abuse, co-dependency, socially accepted addictions, and other addictions to be over-arching shadows in my life. Hosting this beneficial and radical program has been a way to honour and spread its efficacy to those in need. Addictions are so prevalent in our society, and they arise in part due to unresolved trauma. The Beyond Addiction program uses the science and practices of Kundalini Yoga as a vehicle to promote healing. This effective program deserves its place in all communities, and community members deserve the opportunity to heal and benefit from it.

It was a long haul of preparation that through interruption and circumstance required reassembling a new team to lead this 11-day Immersion. We came together fully prepared to serve nine registered participants with Har Sangat and Victoria Potter sharing the lead instructors roles, and rotating extra teachers for support. I chose to begin on Labour Day, knowing the island would be quiet, exceptionally beautiful, and warm, following a busy summer of visitors. Upon gathering we dove deeply into the work of this profound program, unfolding to each other and our inner selves, naturally unloading childhood experiences that have steered some of us off course from being who we truly are. Grounding ourselves in the truth that we are spiritual beings living a human life was the perfect beginning to unveiling our authentic selves and relaxing into a common need to have and hold personal freedom. As the days of the retreat unfolded, the masks that conceal this true essence and expression gracefully slipped away; this process was kindly guided by the carefully chosen course content. In the revealing process I observed innocence, wisdom, humility, forgiveness, honesty and rapture for wellness emerge daily as a growing light seemed to illuminate each woman. Not without discomfort, receiving the rewards of this are a tribute to the program itself and the strength of the human spirit and its call for recovery and health. This appears to be a universal need and in small numbers we certainly served it.

The women in this program were wowed by it, thanks to the integrity and devotion of Sat Dharam Kaur’s extensive work in creating it along with those who have been so dedicated in assisting her over the years. They felt completely held in their process and trusted the individual and collective personal work in the good, brave shala of Sun Door Yoga. We worked very hard, rested nicely and ate extremely well while experimenting with the dietary suggestions provided. We were lulled and supported by the exquisite island environment and spurred on to come clean with our behaviours that do not serve ourselves or others. Every day was an adventure with the deepening of friendships and comaradary with ourselves and with each other on this blazing trail. We were met by Spirit, the force of Kundalini Yoga put to practice, and cutting edge contemporary thought and understanding about addiction. The sharing of human compassion, which is so fundamental to healing, infused the group with warmth, acceptance, love and a whole lot of heartfelt joy. A wealth of healing took place during this retreat, sending a cadre of women back out into the world to shine lights through those cracks in the darkness.

Beyond Addiction returns to Sun Door Yoga on Hornby Island June 14-24/17 and spaces are limited in this wonderful immersion into such a brilliant program on a lovely island. We welcome you to book your spot now for this essential journey to wellness. Register here:

Diane Smith is the founder of beautiful Sun Door Yoga on Hornby Island, B.C.

Click here to sign up for Hornby Island or to find out about other amazing locations where Beyond Addiction is being offered …

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