
Please remember the link to the Event page you are registering for, and return to that page after registering, in order to follow the instructions to pay.

Thank you.

Fields marked with an * are required

Attention: Please read this criteria below before considering registration.
  1. You have had 40 consecutive days of sobriety - no recreational drugs or alcohol for a minimum of 40 days
  2. You have permanent stable housing with a fixed address
  3. You have access to a computer with high speed internet connection
  4. If you are new to recovery (6 months or less), you are working with a social worker, counsellor or psychiatrist
  5. If you are new to recovery, you are also involved in other recovery support programs
  6. You are able to commit to 100% attendance at the Beyond Addiction program as well as to a weekly online or in-person group check-in for 4 months
  7. You are ready to begin a regular daily yoga practice
If you do not meet these criteria but would like to practice Kundalini Yoga in a supportive environment, please seek out a local Kundalini Yoga class, look for weekly Beyond Addiction support Kundalini Yoga classes in your area or practice with online videos available here. You can then join one of our programs when you are ready.
Dear Beyond Addiction Participant, Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability so that our training team can become familiar with your needs and history. Any personal information provided by any participant will be held in strict confidence, and is for the express use of the course facilitators to better serve you and your recovery journey. After registering, each participant will be evaluated on his or her own readiness for the program, based on his/her intake form and possibly an interview with the Lead Mental Health Practitioner of the designated program. Acceptance of the registration fee does not confirm attendance in the program.
I give consent that the below information will be shared with the Beyond Addiction consultation team (which will be limited to: Sat Dharam Kaur, Gabor Maté, teacher trainers, my small group facilitator, the Beyond Addiction recovery team, and/or a consulting Physician, and Psychiatrist.)
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician and/or counselor/psychiatrist prior to and regarding my participation in the Beyond Addiction Program. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition that would prevent my participating to the best of my ability in the Program. I understand that I must consistently monitor my energy and comfort, and take full responsibility for my own pacing of what I can and cannot do at this time. I understand that the program activities and homework are voluntary and that Kundalini Yoga is a non-forced, non-aggressive, non-competitive activity. I assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the Beyond Addiction Program. I understand that I have choice in what I share about myself. I am aware that this is a yoga-based program with a component where I explore my early experiences, habits, triggers and patterns. I take personal responsibility to seek out the support of a professional counsellor, psychologist or social worker if at any time during the program that I find that I am struggling. I am aware that engaging in the Beyond Addiction Program can bring both benefits and some risks. Benefits may include, but are not limited to:
  • Learning to release and reframe addictive patterns
  • Learning to regulate intense, painful emotions
  • Learning to identify and reduce reactivity to triggers
  • Identifying and shifting patterns to allow for trusting, caring relationships
  • Learning to act from an internal body focused perspective
Risks may include, but are not limited to:
  • At times strong difficult emotions may come forward in the context of the program.
  • Periods of increased anxiety and confusion as you practice new skills and patterns of interaction.
  • Recollection of painful or troubling memories.
  • The possibility of an increased urge to engage in addictive patterns.
The Beyond Addiction training team includes professionals from all walks of life including kundalini yoga teachers, those trained in naturopathic medicine, and those with training in the areas of addiction and mental health. These individuals are governed by their respective professional licensing bodies, and as such, any information disclosed by you is protected from inappropriate access or disclosure. The program facilitators/team members will not discuss your information with anyone else outside the teaching team except in an emergency situation or as required by law. If the Beyond Addiction Program is not meeting my expected goals and needs then I will speak with the lead trainer or one of the other support people and request assistance to explore how to best address my concerns. I will not hold Sat Dharam Kaur ND, Beyond Addiction or other instructors or course administrators responsible for any injuries or actions arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this program. I acknowledge that a risk of personal injury may be involved in any exercise or yoga program, and understand that it is my responsibility to refrain from performing any yoga postures or exercises that cause me pain or discomfort, physically or emotionally. I acknowledge that in a professional manner, physical contact may be required for Kundalini Yoga instruction. I, my heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue or make any claims of any kind whatsoever against the Beyond Addiction Program or any of the aforementioned parties for any injury, property damage/loss, or death caused by their negligence or other acts.
Beyond Addiction Participant Code of Behaviour For the safety of myself and other participants I agree to the following:
  1. I agree not to use recreational drugs or alcohol for 40 days before the Beyond Addiction program begins. This means complete abstinence for 40 days in preparation for the program.
  2. I agree not to smoke cigarettes or any other substance 48 hours before the program begins and during the days of the program (not at lunch or during breaks).
  3. During the program if a relapse occurs and a participant is discovered drinking, smoking or high on drugs or engaging in inappropriate sexual activity he/she will be asked to leave the program and must be in a state of sobriety for a minimum of 48 hours before he/she is invited to resume the program.
  4. I agree to arrive on time and am expected to stay for the duration of the program. I will notify the course administrator and my small group facilitator by email or phone with 24 hours notice if I will be late or absent due to extenuating circumstances.
  5. I commit to a 4 month home practice program and weekly check-ins via Skype, Zoom or in-person as part of this program. I agree to have at least 24 hours sobriety before each check-in.
  6. I agree not to engage in sexual relations, flirtatious or seductive behaviour with other course participants or the training team during the duration of the course and for one year after.
  7. I agree not to use profanity or make light of substance use or make sexual innuendos in communications with other course participants.
  8. I agree not to have substances in my possession or to engage in the sale or exchange of substances with other course participants while in the program and for one year afterwards.
  9. I am responsible for assessing and modifying my level of participation in the yoga, breathing exercises, meditations, and group exercises to protect my mental and physical wellness. I will listen to my body and make choices that suit my needs in the moment but will stay in the workshop space. i.e. take a tea break, snack break, bio break, or rest in the space.
  10. I will maintain confidentiality regarding what I hear and see during the course of the program, and keep the identity of other participants private.
  11. I agree to turn off my cell phone and electronic devices except during scheduled breaks and lunch.
  12. I will maintain the Beyond Addiction Code of Behaviour while using social and electronic media. i.e. thoughtfully and respectfully use the private Beyond Addiction FaceBook Group and Moodle.
  13. I will review and utilize the communication guidelines described in my small group and found in the manual.
  14. When triggered, I will utilize yogic practices to return to neutrality, seek appropriate support and take action to resolve any trigger.
  15. I will not touch any other participant or staff without asking permission. Inappropriate touch is never acceptable. i.e. say "I'd like to give you a hug, is it ok for me to touch you". I will never touching intimate body parts of another participant. If somebody says no, this is to be respected without judgment.
We recommend you sign up for our Beyond Addiction Newsletter to stay up-to-date on the Beyond Addiction Program. Please click the link below to sign up. Subscribe to the Beyond Addiction Newsletter