Join us at this 2 session program to cultivate healthy habits, explore the root cause of addiction, and gain understanding and choice with your behaviour. Suitable for people in recovery, health practitioners, therapists, social workers, yoga teachers and anyone seeking positive change and guidance in developing a spiritual practice. The course includes a 4 month home practice program with online yoga videos and over 90 teaching clips from Dr. Gabor Maté, a 550 page manual and weekly group support over 4 months. You will learn to:
- Use Kundalini Yoga and meditation to rejuvenate body, mind and spirit
- Utilize yogic techniques to decrease cravings
- Restore the nervous system, brain, frontal lobe and adrenal glands with yoga and naturopathic therapies
- Access your spiritual centre and learn to rely on your Higher Self
- Develop neutrality and clear subconscious patterns
- Manage your reactions to people and events
- Enhance communication and relationship skills
- Make a healthy shift in perspective and attitude
- Detoxify the body using natural methods
Sumérgete en este programa para cultivar hábitos saludables, explorar y comprender la raíz de las adicciones para tener más capacidad de elección sobre tus comportamientos. El programa está dirigido a personas en rehabilitación, practicantes de la salud, terapeutas, trabajadores sociales, profesores de yoga, y cualquier persona que busque lograr cambios positivos y guía en el desarrollo de una práctica espiritual. El curso incluye una práctica de 4 meses posterior al programa con videos de yoga accesibles online y más de 90 videos del Dr. Gabor Maté, un manual de 550 páginas y reuniones semanales con un grupo de apoyo a lo largo de 4 meses. Aprenderás a:
- Usar el Kundalini Yoga y la meditación para rejuvenecer el cuerpo, mente y espíritu.
- Utilizar técnicas de yoga para disminuir la ansiedad.
- Restablecer el sistema nervioso, cerebro, lóbulo frontal y glándulas adrenales con yoga y terapias naturópatas.
- Acceder a tu centro espiritual y aprender a inclinarte en tu Ser Elevado.
- Desarrollar neutralidad y claridad de tus patrones subconscientes.
- Manejar tus reacciones hacia las personas y eventos.
- Mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación y relación.
- Hacer un cambio positivo y saludable en tu perspectiva y actitud de vida.
- Desintoxicar el cuerpo a través de métodos naturales.

Location & Dates
Location: Centro Bless, Un Espacio para el Alma, San Isidro 287, 8330216 Santiago, Chile
Dates: Sept 30 – Oct 8, 2017
Program Instructors
Founder, Lead Trainer, Naturopathic Doctor
Sat Dharam is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and instructor, author, and naturopathic doctor practicing in Owen Sound, Ontario. She has studied Kundalini Yoga since 1976 and has facilitated teacher training programs in Toronto (ON), Canmore (AB), and Owen Sound. She developed the Beyond Addiction program, inspired by the teachings of Dr. Gabor Maté an other addiction and trauma experts. She has also developed … Continued

Instructor, Professional Trainer, Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Sanjog is a Beyond Addiction instructor and trainer from Ecuador who currently lives in Spain. She is dedicated to expanding the Beyond Addiction program in Spain, Ecuador and South America, working with a team of Spanish-speaking coaches. Her area of specialization is supporting women with eating disorders, using Kundalini Yoga, the Beyond Addiction program and other holistic tools. Sanjog es una instructora y capacitadora de Beyond … Continued

Fees & Registration
email [email protected]