Do you want to be the best version of yourself? Join us at this 3 session course to connect deeply with others, cultivate healthy habits, explore the root cause of addiction, make peace with your past, gain understanding and choice in your behaviour, thrive in the present, acknowledge your strengths, and create an inspired, fulfilling future.
Suitable for people in recovery, health practitioners, yoga teachers and anyone seeking positive change and guidance in developing a spiritual practice. The course includes a 4 month home practice program with online yoga videos and over 90 teaching clips from Dr. Gabor Maté, a 500 page manual and weekly group support.
You will learn to:
- Use Kundalini Yoga and meditation to rejuvenate body, mind and spirit
- Utilize yogic techniques to decrease cravings
- Restore the nervous system, brain, frontal lobe and adrenal glands with yoga and naturopathic therapies
- Access your spiritual centre and learn to rely on your Higher Self
- Develop neutrality and clear subconscious patterns
- Manage your reactions to people and events
- Enhance communication and relationship skills
- Make a healthy shift in perspective and attitude
This course will be taught by Sat Dharam Kaur ND, Ongkar Singh, Sylvia Kaur, Randeep Arjan and Darshan Teja Kaur

Location & Dates
Location: online and in Ardèche (south-east of France)
Dates: February 24-25 (online), April 13-14 (online), June 1-5 (in-person) with Sat Dharam Kaur, in a beautiful Ashram in Ardèche (south-east of France)
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. daily
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Program Instructors
Founder, Lead Trainer, Naturopathic Doctor
Sat Dharam is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and instructor, author, and naturopathic doctor practicing in Owen Sound, Ontario. She has studied Kundalini Yoga since 1976 and has facilitated teacher training programs in Toronto (ON), Canmore (AB), and Owen Sound. She developed the Beyond Addiction program, inspired by the teachings of Dr. Gabor Maté an other addiction and trauma experts. She has also developed … Continued

Beyond Addiction Training, Kundalini Yoga Instructor
Ongkar first took part in a Spanish Beyond Addiction program in 2019. Realizing the depth and richness of this program, he decided to get involved to spread those teachings to a French-speaking audience. He has since participated in teaching several programs in French.

Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Beyond Addiction Trainer
After more than 20 years in the corporate world, Sylvia underwent a professional retraining and redefined her lifestyle using the resources of Kundalini Yoga. Passionate about the field of addiction, she wishes to support her students and anyone suffering from addiction on their path to recovery.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Beyond Addiction Instructor
I discovered Sat Dharam Kaur quite quickly after starting kundalini yoga 10 years ago. Aware at an early age of my addictions and those of the people around me, I succeeded in freeing myself from certain addictions thanks to Kundalini Yoga. When the opportunity arose to take part in the program in France, I couldn’t pass it up!

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Beyond Addiction Instructor
My encounter with KY Yoga in 2008 quickly brought me such physical and mental balance that a good part of my obsessive disorders and addictions faded away. These changes aroused my curiosity and led me to the Beyond Addiction program, that has been of great support in the last 2 years.

Fees & Registration
Register Online:
Teaching Fees:
– early bird (before the 24th of January) : 725€
– full price : 825€
5 days full board : 165€
(camping possible 125€)
Contact: [email protected]