Host a Program
If you would like to host a Beyond Addiction program or bring it to your facility, please contact Sat Dharam at [email protected] or call 519 372-9212
Click here to fill out an application to host a program.
Beyond Addiction programs must be taught by certified Beyond Addiction instructors or trainers, after the proposed program is approved by Sat Dharam Kaur and KY-WHA.
The Beyond Addiction program can be taught in the following three formats:
1) a 4 weekend program (19 hours per weekend) with weekly check-ins and a home practice program
2) a 9 day immersion program (81 hours) with a 4 month follow-up of weekly check-ins and a home practice program
3) an 18 session program, taught weekly or biweekly, in three hour periods (54 hours)
Beyond Addiction instructors can also offer the program at your facility over 18 weeks, or you can utilize the online program at your facility.
A minimum of 15-20 participants is needed, depending on location and travel costs for an in-person program.
Deadline for submission is at least 4 months before a training program.
In order to host a program, a dedicated Course Administrator must be identified, who is responsible for the program.
The coordinating body for Beyond Addiction programs is KY-WHA. To ensure the success of programs, they are coordinated by regions and existing regional KY-WHA associations in some parts of the world. We may ask you to talk to the regional members of KY-WHA before granting approval of your program.